28 August, 2017

C.I.A. (part two)

Recently C.I.A. asset Biden mentioned the soul of America. Which is how the C.I.A refer to themselves and unfortunately they are correct. Biden said that America is in a war for its soul, unfortunately that is also true. A war few see or even know who their enemy is. (You see the face of your enemy everyday, when you look into a mirror.)
Until we start putting effort into behaving more like human beings (INDIVIDUALLY), our souls will be owned by others.
Should we allow the C.I.A. to own our souls? I believe not but this great recession, great depression, great war is about beliefs. Not religious beliefs but belief in ourselves. Are we monkeys with an intelligence add-on? Or are we human beings with some monkey legacy hardware? (Both. Have an awareness of your self and notice when the monkey is troubled. I have written a trilogy about such a thing - read rs, Biden mentioned the soul of America. Which is how the C.I.A refer to themselves and unfortunately they are correct. Biden said that America is in a war for its soul, unfortunately that is also true. A war few see or even know who their enemy is. (Biden knows a great deal and understands nothing.)
Until we start putting effort into behaving more like human beings (INDIVIDUALLY), our souls will be owned by others.
Should we allow the C.I.A. to own our souls? I believe not but this great recession, great depression, great war is about beliefs. Not religious beliefs but belief in ourselves. Are we monkeys with an intelligence add-on? Or are we human beings with some monkey legacy hardware? (Both. Have an awareness of your self and notice when the monkey is troubled. I have written a trilogy about such a thing - see blog below, or not. Your choice.)
Who is best suited to looking after your soul? You or the C.I.A
Who is best suited to helping you care for your soul? A loved one or the C.I.A.
Some actual information regarding what the C.I.A. are below but surely you don't need to read it? They keep you safe, don't they?
(Perhaps read The Mindfulness Trilogy on Amazon, or not. Your choice.)
Who is best suited to looking after your soul? You or the C.I.A
Who is best suited to helping you care for your soul? A loved one or the C.I.A.
Some actual information regarding what the C.I.A. are below but surely you don't need to read it? They keep you safe, don't they?

The upper echelons of the C.I.A. truly believe that they are humans with some ancient legacy wet ware. The rest of America are just monkeys with a basic intelligence upgrade. They don't attempt to wield their understanding to help you become a better and happier you. They haven't made my choice to help you help yourself. They have chosen to own you. To control you. To influence you. All to remain in power at the expense of you and your soul. All to maintain their own belief that they are superior to you.
Ultimately, the choice is yours and yours alone. The source of the power the C.I.A. wield is you. The C.I.A. uses your wealth against your interests. They do this because they believe you are not one of them, a true human being. They are essentially correct.
In this, the elite at the C.I.A. and I are one and the same. The great unwashed need to be herded, Controlled and influenced. Where I disagree with the C.I.A. is in your potential. I believe that most of us have the potential to be beautiful human beings, the C.I.A. elite have chosen to believe that you have no potential.

The C.I.A. are well resourced and funded. They will maintain belief in their own superiority even when that belief destroys them. They will endure and in time, they will ascend again.
The C.I.A. are not the problem. You are. As each of us begins to take better care of ourselves, of our souls, we take our power back from the C.I.A and their equivalents. Remembering now, that we vastly out number them. Virtually all the power is ours. It always was. We are Controlled, Influenced and Alienated for their benefit, not ours.
As we strive to become more mindful of self, more aware of others and begin to recognise the demands of society, we become the elite. Then we can choose to help others become more like us or to do as the elite at the C.I.A. has chosen to do. To control, influence and alienate to gain advantage at your expense.
This isn't about right or wrong. Good or evil. The C.I.A. believe that they deserve far more than what they take. That they give far more generously to society than they need to. They can readily justify their own existence. The fact that they exist means that they are necessary.
Leave the C.I.A. be. They are an indicator of our collective 'humanity'. Should we all choose to be more human, the C.I.A. will simply dissolve.
Numbers wise, we are looking at just 2% That is all it takes to change the world. From what it is, to what it could be. Just 2% striving to become more human.

Anyway, your beliefs either free or control you. You get to choose your own beliefs. The C.I.A and I are one and the same. We have simply reached different conclusions. The C.I.A. exists because it needs to exist. In that, the C.I.A. and I agree completely.

You can make a difference, a massive difference to yourself. This difference will not go unnoticed.
Make your choice. It is yours to make. 
I am beginning to doubt my belief in your potential. A lucrative job offer to work for the C.I.A. would be sufficient incentive for me to realise that the three blogs and the three books are a waste of my time and simply an annoyance to you.
Regardless, you take care.

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